Free Phishing Fitness Analysis

Get your comprehensive email security analysis at no charge.

Fraudulent email remains one of the most significant and ongoing computer security threats that businesses face today - the problem is only getting worse, despite solutions out there that claim to block these emails.

Cybercriminals use a variety of email-based attacks to deliver malware, lure victims to malicious websites, and steal password credentials. 

INKY is now offering a free email threat analysis as a cloud service that uses our machine learning, AI, and computer vision to analyze email attachments and URLs across a range of operating systems, applications, and web browsers.

Three Easy Steps to Phishing 'Phitness':


3 steps_icon


Email security analysis available to Office 365 users only currently.

Request your free no risk cloud-based email security analysis to see how vulnerable your organization is today.

Request Your Free Email Security Analysis